jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

P5 BLOG 4 EGB Feb. 24th.-Mar. 1st. (2) 2020. To be: Simple Past Structure.

Sports Quotes to Inspire Your Team Towards Success - Small ...P5 BLOG 4 EGB Feb. 24th.-Mar. 1st. (2) 2020. Reinforcement material. To be: Simple Past Structure. Dear students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: To be: simple past structure.   LANGUAGE SKILL:  Grammar structure and Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the text. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb form. verb be 049302
1.- I was not tired this morning. OR I wasn't tired this morning.
2.- You were not crazy. OR You weren't crazy.
3.- He was not married. OR He wasn't married.
4.- She was not famous. OR She wasn't famous.
5.- It was not hot yesterday. OR It wasn't hot yesterday.
6.- We were not invited. OR We weren't invited.
7.- You were not at the party. OR You weren't at the party.
8.- They were not friends. OR They weren't friends.

To be: past simple

Rewrite in the past simple.

01.- I am seven years old.
02.- You are my best friend.
03.- The grasshopper is jumping.
04.- The women are talking.
05.- Your bike is in the garage.
06.- Andrew is reading a book.
07.- The boys are very kind.
08.- There is a bottle on the table.

New Vocabulary/Meaning
New Vocabulary/Meaning
NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: _________________________ GRADE: _____________

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