martes, 14 de abril de 2020

P5 BLOG 11 EGB Mar. 23rd.-29th.(1) 2020. Reading My working day.

30 Best Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of the DayP5 BLOG 11 EGB Mar. 23rd.-29th.(1) 2020. Reinforcement material. My working day. IT'S A PLEASURE FOR ME TO FIND SOMETHING INTERESTING TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILLReading, writing, CLIL, grammar and vocabulary.  TOPIC: Reinforcing material: Famous People:   Shakira.  AIMS:  To improve your basic skills necessary to learn a new languageTo check and find specific informationTo remember more vocabulary and expressions dealing with biographies. To study English in a funny and interesting way. To read and understand its main idea and details about the text. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIACheck this lesson to reinforce your acquired knowledge. Read the questions and answer them with information about passage.           There are a lot of newwordsfor you. Please use your dictionary and google translator if possible. Do it byourself.
My Working Day Questions for discussing 1. Daily activities. 2 ...My working day starts very early. From Monday to Friday I get up at half past three and I have a shower and a cup of coffee. I usually leave the house at ten past four because the car always arrives a few minutes early. I get to the studio at about five o'clock and start work. My programme Good Morning Britain starts at seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then I leave the studio at a quarter past ten. After that, I go shopping and visit some friends. I get home at three o'clock. A woman helps me with the housework and the ironing. I read a newspaper and do some work.
Then my husband gets home at half past five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the evening. We don't go out because I go to bed very early. We usually watch television and then I go to bed at half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine o'clock.
At weekends, I don't get up until ten o'clock. In the evening, we often see some friends or go to the cinema. But I'm always up early again on Monday morning.
1. What time does Cynthia get up during the week?  She gets up at half past three.
2. How does Cynthia get to the studio in the morning?_______________________________
3. What time does she arrive at the studio?_________________________________
4. What time does the TV show begin?_________________________________
5. How long does "Good Morning Britain" last?_________________________________
6. What time does Cynthia get home after finishing at the studio?_______________________
7. What time does her husband arrive home?_________________________________
8. Do Cynthia and her husband go out in the evening?_______________________________
9. What time does Cynthia go to bed?_________________________________
10. Does Cynthia stay in bed longer at the weekend?_________________________________
1. She gets up at half past  in the morning.
2. She goes by  .
3. She gets to the studio at  o'clock.
4. The TV show begins at  o'clock.
5. It lasts for  hours.
6. She gets home at  o'clock.
7. Her husband arrives home at  thirty.
8. No, they don't because Cynthia goes to bed  .
9. She goes to bed at  thirty.
10. Yes, she stays in bed until  o'clock.
New words and expressions/meaning
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