jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

P5 BLOG 2 EGB Feb. 17th.-23rd. (2) 2020.To be: Simple Past Structure.

MilaEnglish Blog: Past tense of verb TO BE - 6ºEPFunny Posters for the Decor of Offices, Educational Establishments ...P5 BLOG 2 EGB Feb. 17th.-23rd. (2) 2020. Reinforcement material. To be: Simple Past Structure. Dear students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: To be: simple past structure.   LANGUAGE SKILL:  Grammar structure and Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the text. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb form. 
Fill in the blanks with WAS or WERE. 
01.- Picasso  a Spanish painter.
02.- There  a mouse in the garden.
03.- We  playing football.
04.- It  a rainy day.
05.- The children  in the park.
06.- You  studying English.
07.- I  watching television.
08.- Lorena and I  on the same class.
09.- My parents  in London.
10.- The windows  closed.
11.- It  seven years ago.
12.- My grandfather  a pilot.

New Vocabulary/Meaning
New Vocabulary/Meaning
NAME: _________________________DATE: ___________________GRADE: _____________

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