martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

P3 BLOG 11 EGB Dec. 30th..-Jan. 5th.(1), 2020. Simple Present Tense.

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational, phrases, thoughts, quotes, etc. for young teenagers
P3 BLOG 11 EGB Dec. 30th.-5th.(1), 2020. Simple Present Tense.  A1.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS!  WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Simple Present TenseAIMS: To improve their language skillsTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the simple present tense exercise and complete the spaces with the appropriate word on each sentence. Make a list of new vocabulary and write their meaning either in English or Spanish.

Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 1

Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. (to listen)  to music every day.
  2. Simon (to collect)  stamps.
  3. We (to wash)  the dishes once a day.
  4. My mother always (to make)  breakfast.
  5. Sarah usually (to meet)  Maria at the tennis club.

Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. Mr Williams often (to teach)  the dogs new tricks.
  2. They always (to throw)  their litter in the bin.
  3. The referee usually (to stop)  the game after 90 minutes.
  4. The kids (to hurry)  to open their presents.
  5. This car can (to do)  250 km/h.
Long and Short Forms

Rewrite the sentences in the short form (where the long form is given) or in the long form (where the short form is given).
  1. She has got a nice mobile. → 
  2. We don't use a computer. → 
  3. Johnny does not swim in the lake. → 
  4. They are from Budapest, Hungary. → 
  5. This isn't my cup of tea. → 
    New Words and Expressions

    Your name: ________________________
    Your school: _______________________

    Your grade/level: __________________________
    Date: ___________________________________

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