martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

P3 BLOG 8 EGB Dec. 16th.-22nd.(2), 2019. Simple Present Tense

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational, phrases, thoughts, quotes, etc. for young teenagersP3 BLOG 8 EGB Dec. 16th.-22nd.(2), 2019. Simple Present Tense. Simple Present Tense.  A1.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Simple PresentAIMS: To improve their language skillsTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the simple present tense exercise and complete the spaces with the appropriate word on each sentence. Make a list of new vocabulary and write their meaning either in English or Spanish.
Your name: ________________________
Your school: _______________________
Your grade/level: ___________________
Date: _________________________________
1.-They .......... books.
 did read?   reads?   read?   reading?
2.-They are .......... books in the library.
did read?    read?   reading?   reads?

3.-She ......... in Bangkok.
  lived?    living?    live?    lives?
4.-.......... they go to school by bus?
 do?    did?    does?   doing?

5.-My friend and I never ....... together.
 go out?    goes?    going?   are going out?

6.-He .......... go to school on Sundays.
 doesn't?    do?    didn't?    did?

7.-Nai Ma __________ in a bank.
work?    works?    working?    worked?    

8.-She .......... study Chinese on Mondays.
  doesn't?    don't?    not?    didn't?

9.-Meen ............ chocolate cake.
like?    liking?    likes?    liked?    

10.-What time ...... the shops open?
 did?    doing?    do?    does ?    

11.-John and Paul .......... eat breakfast on school days. don't?    not?    didn't?    doesn't?    

12.-They ....... to the market every day.
went?    goes?    go?    going?    

13.-My father is .......... his car.
 drives?    drive?    driving?    drove?    

14.-My best friend ............ to me every week.
 write?    writing?    writes?   is writing?  

15.-Ann ....... to study.
  needs?    need?    needed?    needing?    

16.-Preecha ........ her homework after school.
  doing?    did?    do?    does?    

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