jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

P3: BLOG 5 EGB Dec. 9th.- 15th. (1), 2019. Simple Present Tense

Your name: ________________________________
Your school: _______________________________
Your grade/level: ___________________________
Date: __________________________________________
P3: BLOG 5 EGB Dec. 9th.- 15th. (1), 2019. Simple Present Tense.  A1.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: To BeAIMS: To improve their language skillsTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes:
He drinks tea at breakfast.
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.

I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); 
London is a large city (hecho general)
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Monaco every summer.
       Water freezes at zero degrees.
       The Earth revolves around the Sun.
       Her mother is Peruvian
Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford.
Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros:
His mother arrives tomorrow.
Our holiday starts on the 26th March
Your exam starts at 09.00.
Para referirse al futuro, detrás de algunas conjunciones: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.
She'll see you before she leaves.
We'll give it to her when she arrives.
Change the verb into the correct form:
Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I 
 (go) to the city once a week.
2. You 
 (play) the guitar very well.
3. She never 
 (visit) me.
4. Tom always 
 (find) new ways to do things.
6. Ann 
 (want) to speak.
7. Toronto 
 (be) in Canada.
8. Cars 
 (have) wheels.
9. My mother 
 (have) a big house.
10. We 
 (play) a lot.
11. They 
 (sell) fruit and eggs.
12. The building 
 (be) on fire.
13. Marta 
 (seem) sad.
14. I usually 
 (help) my neighbors.
15. His brother rarely 
 (leave) town.

1. Daniel 
 (fly) to Paris once a year.
2. She never 
 (do) her homework.
3. Lisa 
 (try) to help her sister.
4. Mark 
 (go) home at seven.
5. The baby 
 (cry) every night.
6. He 
 (miss) her a lot.
7. Joe 
 (study) really hard.
8. A boy 
 (kiss) a girl.
9. Joana 
 (buy) new stuff all the time.
10. Tim 
 (watch) this show every night.
11. Sara 
 (say) this all the time.
12. The teacher 
 (teach) us new things.
13. He 
 (pay) me well.
14. Barbara 
 (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.
15. Nick 
 (play) tennis twice a week.
16. This girl always 
 (push) somebody.
17. Isabella 
 (enjoy) listening to music.
18. David never 
 (mix) milk and eggs.
19. The bee 
20. Taylor 
 (fix) cars.
New Words and Expressions

New Words and Expressions

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