miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

P3: BLOG 3 EGB Dec. 2nd.-8th. (1), 2019.To be structure.

Resultado de imagen para phrases for motivate young teenagers to study englishYour name: ________________________________
Your school: _______________________________
Your grade/level: ___________________________
Date: __________________________________________
P3: BLOG 3 EGB Dec. 2nd.-8th. (1), 2019. To Be Structure.  A1.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: To BeAIMS: To improve their language skillsTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
In this exercise, choose the correct form of the verb 'to be' to go into each sentence. It could be positive or negative.  Use contractions where possible.
1. My teacher's name  Melanie. She is English.
2. I  married. My wife is called Jeanette.
3. My favourite colour  blue. It's red.
4. My favourite sports  tennis and windsurfing. I play tennis every Saturday.
5. My best friend  a student. He is a policeman.
6. Peru  in Asia.
7.  you from Britain?
8.  Sean Connery from Scotland? Yes, he is.
9. How old  your sisters?
10. My brother  very happy today because it is his birthday.
Read the answer and underline the corresponding question.
1. My name is John.
    What be your name?
    What your name is?
    What is your name?
2. My mother is from India.
    Where your mother is from?
    Where is your mother from?
    Where come from your mother?
3. My sister is 24 years old.
    How old years is your sister?
    How many years has your sister?
    How old is your sister?
4. Yes, I am happy.
    Are you happy?
    You are happy?
    Do you is happy?
5. My number is 090 456212.
    What be your phone number?
    What your phone number is?
    What is your phone number?
6. No, my mother is short.
    Is your mother tall?
    Is tall your mother?
    Your mother is tall?
7. My birthday is in August.
    When is your birthday?
    When your birthday is?
    When be your birthday?
8. I am from Spain.
    Where is you from?
    Where are come from you?
    Where are you from?
New Words and expressions
New Words and expressions


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