jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

P3: BLOG 10 10TH B Dec. 24th.-30th. (2), 2018. Reading: Adventure Tales

Resultado de imagen para motivational phrases for students of english(TEENAGERS)Your name:_______________________
Your level: _______________________
Your school: ______________________
Date: _______________________
P3: BLOG 10 10TH B Dec. 24th.-30th. (2), 2018. Adventure Tales  A2.1. GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Reading: Adventure Tales. AIMS: To improve their speaking skill. To check and find specific informationTo learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversations. To study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the new words and find them on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
Exercise 1. Read the text and identify the meaning of the words in red. 
A group of school students took a tour of a natural park for their summer vacation. The tour guide knew the trails of the region very well. In the afternoon, he invited the school kids to join him in an adventurous hike to a waterfall. The kids’ screams of excitement did not let the guide finish his instructions on how to begin the trail and continue the climb to the waterfall. Some kids walked really fast when they reached a barbed-wire fence. One girl had a cut on her arm, so a teacher had to go back to the town with this girl to see a doctor. Then two other students took a shortcut and ended up lost, so the guide cancelled the trip to the waterfall to start the search along with the local police for these two students. In the evening, the authorities were looking for the two students while the group was walking back to the hotel. Three hours later, while the group was watching a video of the waterfall, the phone rang. They had found the missing students. The police officers were searching for the kids while they were trying to set up a tent in the forest; it was midnight. They were fine, yet both were tired and scared.
a. Region means: 
1. area     2. city    3. park 

b. Adventurous means: 
1. audacious     2. timid    3. generous

c. Shortcut means: 

1. road    2. trail    3. shorter route 

d. Lost means: 1. found the way 2. missed the way 3. on the way
e. Search means: 1. exploration     2. lose       3. call 

f. Scared means: 
1. happy    2. sad     3. frightened

Exercise 3:  Answer the following questions about the sequence of events in the story. 

a. What happened when some kids walked very fast? 

b. What happened when two students took a shortcut

 c. What were the authorities doing while the group was walking back to the hotel?

d. What was the group doing when the phone rang?

e. What were the missing students doing while the police were searching for them?

New Vocabulary/Meaning
New Vocabulary/Meaning

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