jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

P3: BLOG 7 10TH B. Dec. 17th.-23rd..(1), 2018. Idioms Part 6.

Resultado de imagen para motivational phrases for students of english(TEENAGERS)Your name:_________________________
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Date: ______________________________
P3: BLOG 7 10TH B Dec. 17th.-23rd..(1), 2018. Idioms Part 6. Idioms part 5 A2.2 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Idioms part 6: AIMS: To improve their speaking skill. To check and find specific informationTo learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversations. To study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way.
Exercise 1. Read the profile. Pay attention to the idioms and underlined them in the reading.
Dean L. Kamen was one of the
most important recent inventors;
he was the cream of the crop with
the newest ideas about transport.
Kamen went to college, but he
did not stay there for a long time.
He decided to call it quits to
starting working on his own ideas.
He eventually learned the ropes
of inventing with many amazing
creations. This inventor is famous for “reinventing the wheel” as he created
a vehicle called Segway™. His creation
is a good example of Kamen’s genius;
he used to think out of the box in
the search for new inventions. Kamen
was a number cruncher because of
his many talents in mathematics. His calculations helped him to patent
many of his inventions.
Exercise 2. Select the definition that best replaces each idiom in the profile.
a. was the cream of the crop in line 3 can be replaced with…
1. was the least important person
2. was the most famous person
3. was the richest person
b. to call it quits in line 7 is
1. to call someone from home
2. to put an end to an activity
3. to begin an activity
c. learned the ropes of in line 9 is
1. learned how to do something
2. learned how to do a job correctly
3. learned how to teach something
d. to think out of the box in line 15 is
1. to think aloud
2. to think creatively
3. to think carefully
e. a number cruncher in line 17 is a person who…
1. works poorly in mathematics
2. has a hard time with numbers
3. is good at numbers and calculations
Exercise 3. Look at these famous inventors or creative thinkers. Use the idioms to rewrite the idea.
a.-Joanne Rowling. She is _____________  ______________ among the most humanitarian women in the world

b.-Steve Jobs. His company had technological innovations every year. He was the kind  of person who _________ _______________

c.-Melinda Gates. J.K. Rowling ________  _________________  of writing and created the famous Harry Potter book series.

d.-Toru Kumon. Kumon created his  famous math academies. People who study there  become _____________     ________________.

New Vocabulary/Meaning
New Vocabulary/Meaning


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