martes, 15 de enero de 2019

P3: BLOG 5 10TH B Dec. 10th.-16th.(1), 2018. Idioms Part 4.

Resultado de imagen para motivational phrases FOR TEENAGERS for being successfulYour name:_________________________
Your level: _________________________
Your school's name: __________________
Date: ______________________________
P3: BLOG 5 10TH B Dec. 10th.-16th.(1), 2018. Idioms Part 4. Idioms part 3 A2.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Idioms part 3: AIMS: To improve their speaking skill. To check and find specific informationTo learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversations. To study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
Exercise 1: IDIOMS: Write the meaning in your own language of these idioms:
• To be a class act=
• To be head and shoulders above=
• To go places=
• To find one’s match=

• I’ll go for=
• Here you are=
• Not to be in the same league=
Exercise 2:  Read the letter and complete the statements below. Guess the meaning of the expressions from the context.
Dear mom, I want to thank you for the football you sent William on his birthday. Now he is thirteen and is a class act in his soccer practice; his skills with the ball are really good. In school he is doing fine; he is one of the most intelligent students in his class. Moreover, he claims he is going places in his studies.  He is now very good with numbers, reads very fluently and gets excellent grades. He says his teachers tell him he is head and shoulders above his class, as all his answers are right. We always talk to his teachers because we want him to stay out of trouble and behave well. Most teachers say he does. They say it is difficult to find his match in most class activities. Most of his classmates do not do so well in their subjects. We should not be this proud of our son, but he does like his school these days. Sometimes we wonder if the school is not in his league. You know he does everything apparently without much effort; he definitely needs a challenge. Love, Emma
a. To be a class act… 
1. To be really good     2. To have a good show     3. To be the worst 

b. To go places… 
1. To travel a lot       2. To be successful      3.To be unstable

c. To be head and shoulders above… 
1. To be taller     2. To have less talent     3. To be the best 

d. To find one’s match… 
1. To find an opponent    2. To find somebody with equal talent    3. To find a good fried

e. Not to be in one’s league… 
1. To be better     2. To compete against others      3. To be of inferior quality.

Exercise 3:  Complete these dialogs with the idioms. 
Conversation 1 
A: What do you think of Shakira? 
B: Well, she is ______________________________ . 

Conversation 2 
C: Can we compare the Olympic Games with any other sport tournament? 
D: Well, there is not a tournament like the Olympic Games. Other tournaments are ______________________________ . 

Conversation 3 
E: I am really tall. I want to join the basketball team. 
F: Certainly, you’ll ______________________________ . 

Conversation 4 
G: Rafael Nadal is one of the best tennis players in the history of tennis. He is the number one player today. 
H: I know. He is definitely ______________________________ .  the rest.

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