martes, 15 de enero de 2019

P3: BLOG 4 10TH B Dec. 3rd.-9th.(2), 2018. Idioms Part 3.

Imagen relacionadaYour name:_________________________
Your level: _________________________
Your school's name: __________________
Date: ______________________________
P3: BLOG 4 10TH B Dec. 3rd.-9th.(2), 2018. Idioms Part 3. Idioms part 3 A2.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Idioms part 3: AIMS: To improve their speaking skill. To check and find specific informationTo learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversations. To study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
Exercise 1: IDIOMS: Write the meaning in your own language of these idioms:
• To blow away the cobwebs=
• To be the life and soul of a party=
• 24/7=
• What are you up to?=
• To make a big thing of something=

• To be in full swing=
• To be in one’s element=
• That’s terrific!=
• Don’t get me wrong.=

Exercise 2: 2. Match the idioms on the left with their definitions on the right.
 HOBBIES: 1.- Cooking club / 2.- Museum Excursions / 3.- Swimming Academy / 
                                   4.- Tango in One Step / 5.- The Hiking Club

a. Blow away the cobwebs! Get some fresh air! Join us for nice trails and renew yourself. Fortify your bones and muscles. Feel alive again!______

b. Our students tell us they feel in their element after attending our courses. Many of them are so good that they compete with experts without a problem. They are like real fish in the water.______

c. Learn to move your body to the rhythm of this traditional Argentine dance that is in full swing these days.
d. Don’t make a big thing of your inexperience. Learn to make delicious gourmet sandwiches out of a few eggs, bacon and bread. Make your dishes big!

e. Be the life and soul of the party the next time you meet your friends. Entertain them with our town’s history. Get all the facts that make our history so interesting. Come and visit us!

HOBBIES: 1.- Cooking club / 2.- Museum Excursions / 3.- Swimming Academy / 
                                   4.- Tango in One Step / 5.- The Hiking Club

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