lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

P2 BLOG 12 10TH B Nov. 19th-25th(2),2018. Song: Silent Night

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational phrases for students
P2 BLOG 12 10TH B Nov. 19th-25th(2),2018 Song: Silent Night GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Listening, reading, grammar structure and CLIL. TOPIC: Christmas Carol: SILENT NIGHTAIMS: To improve their listening skill. To listen and find specific informationTo learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with Christmas. To study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Listen to the songfill in the blanks with the missing words according to its lyrics, check the new words and expressions, add their meaning and sing the song by heart.

S____________ night, Holy night,
All is c____________, All is bright
Round yon virgin m_____________ and child.
Holy i_____________ so t___________ and mild,
Sleep in heavenly p___________.
S____________ in heavenly peace.

Resultado de imagen para IMAGES OF silent nightSilent night, H_________ night,
Son of G_____, Love's pure light
Radiant b___________ from thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming g_________,
Jesus, L_______, at thy birth.
J_________, Lord, at thy birth.

Silent night, Holy n_________,
Shepherds q__________ at the sight,
Glories s___________ from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts s_________ alleluia;
C______________ the Savior, i____ born!
Christ t_____ Savior, is born! 

My New Words and Expressions: 
1.- holy=                                       11.-stream=
2.-all=                                           12.-afar=
3.-bright=                                     13.-hosts=
4.- yon=                                        14.-Savior=
5.- tender=                                   15.- is born=
6.- mild=                                       16.-beams=
7.- heavenly=                                17.-dawn=
8.-shepherds=                               18.-redeeming=
9.-quake=                                      19.-Lord=
10.-sight=                                      20.-birth=
YOUR NAME: _________________________________________________
YOUR GRADE: ________________________________________________
YOUR SCHOOL: _______________________________________________
TODAY'S DATE: _______________________________________________

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