lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

P1: BLOG 8: 10TH "B". Sept. 24th.-30th.(2), 2018.Dessert Time.

Imagen relacionadaYour name: _________________
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Your grade/level: _____________
Date: __________________________
P1: BLOG 8: 10TH "B".  Sept. 24th.-30th.(2), 2018. Dessert Time. TOPIC: Reading Dessert Time. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, writing, grammar structure and CLIL. AIMS: To read the text and understand its main idea and details about the text. To increase new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the text. To make a list of new vocabulary and add their meaning. SKILL WITH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Read the text. Check the new words and expressions. Make a list of them and add their meaning or definition either in English or Spanish. Use complete responses to complete the following short passage.
1P: BLOG 8: 10TH "B" Sept.
Yum! It is time for dessert.
First, Tim gets a cookie.
Next, Jan gets some cake.
Then, Ben gets a donut.
Last, Deb gets some pie.
Oh no! There is none left for Sam. What will he do?
First, Tim shares his cookie.
Next, Jan shares her cake.
Then, Ben shares his donut.
Last, Deb shares her pie.
Yum! Sam and his friends are happy. It is time for dessert!
Resultado de imagen para images of a DESSERT: CAKE, DONUTS, PIES, AND COOKIES.
Answer the Questions:
1. Who are the characters?

2. What is the problem?

3. How do the kids solve the problem?

4. How do the kids feel at the end of the story?

New Words and Expressions
New Words and Expressions

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