lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

P5 BLOG 9 10B Mar. 25th.-31st. (1) 2019. Biographies: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational phrases for young people to be successfulP5 BLOG 9 10B Mar. 25th.-31st. (1) 2019. Biographies: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Good morning students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. LANGUAGE SKILLGrammar structure and Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the text. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To lean and talk about Biographies in English by heart. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish.Do the exercises from the reading.
Resultado de imagen para images of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important leader of the American civil rights movement. He helped unite a nation with his powerful speeches and use of non-violent protests. His 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech is one of the greatest in human history. King’s efforts to end racial discrimination earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
King was born in 1929 in Atlanta. His father was a reverend and so King had a religious upbringing. He graduated from college with a degree and a Ph.D. in religious studies. King went to India to visit Gandhi’s family. He was inspired by Mohandas Gandhi's success with non-violent resistance and saw it as a “potent weapon” in America’s struggle for civil rights.
King was instrumental in achieving many successes in ending segregation laws. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ended racial segregation on public buses in Montgomery. He realized that non-violent protest would attract extensive media coverage of the struggle for racial equality. His campaigns soon elevated the Civil Rights Movement to be the most important issue in American politics.
King helped organize the famous March for Jobs and Freedom on Washington in 1963, where he spoke to the nation appealing for racial harmony. His non-violent protests met with success as Congress passed civil rights laws (1964) and voting rights laws (1965). King’s friendship with President John F. Kennedy also helped his cause. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Stevie Wonder pays tribute to King with his song "Happy Birthday". 
Put the words back into the correct order.
1. of    American    rights    leader    the    civil    movement
2. with    helped    his    unite    powerful    a    speeches    nation    He
3. Dream    “    ”    I    speech    Have    His    a    1963
4. by    Gandhi's    He    inspired    Mohandas    success    was
5. struggle    rights    for    America’s    civil
6. for    struggle    the    of    coverage    media    equality    racial
7. important    in    politics    most    issue    American    the
8. Jobs    famous    the    for   and   organize     helped    March   Freedom
9. to    racial    the    harmony    nation    he    appealing    spoke    for
10. with     to     pays     Stevie     his     King     tribute     Wonder     song

New Words and Expressions

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Date: ________________________________________

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