martes, 16 de abril de 2019

P4 BLOG 11 10B Feb.18th.-24th. (1) 2019. Biographies: Maria Eva Duarte de Peron

Resultado de imagen para motivational short quotesP4 BLOG 11 10B Feb.18th.-24th. (1) 2019. Biographies: Maria Eva Duarte de Peron Good morning students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: Biographies: Maria Eva Duarte de Peron LANGUAGE SKILL:  Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the text. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To lean and talk about Biographies in English by heart. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish. Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs in italics.
Your name: ____________________________
Your school: _________________________________
Your grade/level: ______________________________
Date: ________________________________________
New Words and Expressions
Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para eva peronMaria Eva Duarte de Peron was born in 1919 and died in 1952. She is referred to as Eva Peron, or more famously as Evita, which means “Little Eva”. She served as Argentina’s First Lady between 1946 and 1952 and was the Spiritual Leader of the Nation. She is one of the lasting cultural icons of the 20th Century.
Peron spent her childhood in a province of Buenos Aires. Her father walked out on the family when she was one, leaving her mother to cope alone. Eva worked as a maid to help pay the bills. She loved drama and acting at school. The cinema fascinated her and she decided to become a famous actress.
Eva left her small village when she was 15, in search of the bright lights in the big city. She made her acting debut in 1935 and joined a touring theatre company. In 1942 she had a breakthrough when she signed a five-year contract with Radio Belgrano. Within a year she was one of the highest paid radio actresses in Argentina.
In 1944, Eva met Juan Peron and they were married a year later. In 1946, Eva became Argentina’s First Lady. She used her radio fame to make powerful speeches to get Juan elected as president. She became immensely popular with the poor, who nicknamed her Evita. She died at the age of 33. Her rags-to-riches life was turned into musicals and movies, which made her famous worldwide.
Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs in italics.
Maria Eva Duarte de Peron was born in 1919 and dead / died in 1952. She is referred to as Eva Peron, or more famous / famously as Evita, which means “Little Eva”. She served / serviced as Argentina’s First Lady between 1946 and 1952 and was the Spiritual Leader of the Nation. She is one of the lasting cultural irons /  icons of the 20th Century.
Peron spent her childhood in a provincial / province of Buenos Aires. Her father walked / ran out on the family when she was one, leaving her mother to cope / coop alone. Eva worked as a maid to help pay / payment the bills. She loved drama and acting at school. The cinema fascinated her and she decided to become a famous actress.
Eva left her small village when she was 15, in search of / with the bright lights in the big city. She made her acting / action debut in 1935 and joined a touring theatre company. In 1942 she had a breakthrough when she signs / signed a five-year contract with Radio Belgrano. Within / Between a year she was one of the highest paid radio actresses in Argentina.
In 1944 Eva met Juan Peron and they were married / marriage a year later. In 1946, Eva became Argentina’s First Lady. She used her radio famous / fame to make powerful speeches / speech to get Juan elected as president. She became immensely popular with the poor, who nicknamed her Evita. She died at the age of 33. Her rags-to-riches life was turned over / into musicals and movies, which made her famous worldwide.

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